Indian Legal Services for Lawyers & Law Firms 

We offer services to law firms based in India and the UK, who require the services of a law firm in India for legal disputes or settlements that occur outside of India, for example – seeking disclosure and discovery for litigation or matrimonial disputes where one of the parties is based, or has a financial interest in India.

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Specialist Legal Services for other Lawyers


  • Indian Property Valuations

  • Property Search in India

  • Obtaining certified Court orders, Court records and other certified documents from Indian Courts

  • Advice and written legal opinions on Indian law

  • Evidence gathering and investigation in India

  • Tracing witnesses with a view to taking witness statements or depositions India

  • Commencing litigation in India

  • Asset tracing and recovery in India

Expert Support


Safe, Fast & Secure Payments

Remote Services

Secure Communication


Free Initial Assessment


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If you have any questions regarding any of our services, feel to reach out to our team.