Whytecroft Ford Visitor Declaration Form

I hereby certify that I have NOT within the last 14 days - (1) Tested positive for the Coronavirus (COVID-19); (2) Experienced any symptoms commonly associated with the Coronavirus (COVID-19), including a high temperature, a new, continuous cough, or a loss or change to senses of smell or taste; (3) Been in any area of the UK subject to local "lockdown" restrictions or any other country subject to travel restrictions imposed by the UK government to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19); (4) Been identified as a carrier or potential carrier of the Coronavirus (COVID-19); (5) Been in direct contact with or in the immediate vicinity of any person who has tested positive for or been identified as a carrier or potential carrier of Coronavirus (COVID-19); (6) We also ask that you contact us if, within 14 days of having visited our offices, you are subsequently identified as a carrier or potential carrier.

I acknowledge that these declarations and the information I have provided in this form may be used by Whytecroft Ford for the purpose of ensuring my safety and the safety of other people I may interact with during my visit, and to manage and limit the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19). We will retain this information for as long as it remains relevant and for a maximum of 30 days.